Quarterly Progress-to-Date Report
December 20, 2024
Cache Metropolitan District Nos. 1-8 (the “Districts”) have conducted regular monitoring and scanning of its information and communication technology (“ICT”), as such term is defined in 8 CCR § 1501-11.4, as further described below:
· Monthly scans of the Districts’ website content against applicable Technical Standards scans since July 2023; and
· Reviewed accessibility scans and ordered remediation for noncompliant ICT contained within the Districts’ website.
As of September 20, 2024, the result of the regular scanning and monitoring showed the Districts’ ICT having an overall compliance score of 99% with the Technical Standards, as such term is defined in 8 CCR § 1501-11.5. The result of this quarter’s most recent scanning and monitoring showed the Districts’ ICT having an overall compliance score of 99% with the Technical Standards. The Districts continue to remediate known compliance issues in the following areas:
· District No. 1 2023 Audit as contained within the Districts’ website at https://cachemetro.specialdistrict.org/district-audits
Following this Quarterly Progress-to-Date Report dated December 20, 2024, the Districts’ proposed plan of action is to:
· Update the Districts’ website content once remediation of the District No. 1 2023 Audit has been completed.
The Districts are committed to providing equitable technological access to our services, programs, and activities. The Districts’ ongoing technology accessibility efforts work toward being compliant with the Technical Standards. To that end, the Districts endeavor to continuously improve the technological accessibility of its ICT demonstrated by this Progress-to-Date Report.